July 1

Crips Marathon Training week 3 – Bench Press 5X10 @70% of Max

For Time and Reps

50 Situps

Tabata Squats

50 Situps

For anyone that has not done a Tabata it is as many squats as possible in 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds.  Repeat that 8 times.  Total number of squats is your score.  It’s worse than it looks.

June 25

Repeat 7:00 on, 3:00 off until form/pace deteriorates


Repeat :60sec on, :60sec off, until form/pace deteriorates

We will decide on this at the track, or split into two groups if people want to do different running workouts.

June 18

4 X 800 m run with 2:00 rest

Looks like we might be able to sneak this in at the track, or maybe meet at the gym and run out front or on the trail in the back. And if it rains we can do this inside or on rowers?