Sept. 29

Tabata Sprints 8X 20 sec on 10 sec off.

if possible use treadmill set at 12% grade, 0-30 seconds slower than 5k pace per mile, do not reduce speed


Cooldown: Skill work of your choice, or stretching, core work, anything you feel you need.

Sept. 28

Max Effort Sumo Deadlift (2,2,2,2,2 or maybe set a new PR, depends on how you feel. Go real heavy and don’t do sets higher than 3’s)

5 rounds for time of:
5 Sumo Deadlifts, 275/185 pounds
12 Unbroken* KB Swings, 2/1.5 pood

*7 burpee penalty on the spot for setting KB down prior to completing reps

10:00 time cap. Scale as needed in order to ensure time is under 10:00.

Sept. 27

3 Rounds for time:

500 m row
15 Push Press @ 135
15 GHD Situps

6-10 X 600m run, rest 2:00 min between rounds


6-10 X 750m row, rest 2:00 min between rounds

Sept 26

12 X 2 bench press at 60% 1 RM, completed every 45 seconds.

10 Chest to bar pullups
20 Ring Dips
30 Box Jumps 24″ box
40 Toes to Bar
50 Double Unders
60 Burpees

Sept 21

Open Gym

Since some of us are nursing injuries I am not going to post anything today, do what you feel you need to work on. Mobility, extra lifting, etc.

Sept. 9

Barbell Complex

8 X Deadlift
8 X Romanian Deadlift
8 X Upright Row
8 X Bent over Row
8 X Shoulder Press
16 X Step Up
8 X Good Morning
8 X Squat Jump