Oct 27

Core day
1 min total time L-sit on Parallettes

10 rnds 10 reps
Standing straight high leg (5 each leg)
Back ext
Farmer walk (one arm) (10 steps each arm) 50% BW
plank hold (any orientation even superman hold)

Oct 26 WOD

Fight Gone Bad
3 Rounds of
DB Thruster (20#)
SDLHP (75#)
Box Jumps
Push Press
Burpees or Row (calories)

1 min each station with a 1 min break after last station, then repeat
Total of all 3 rounds is your score. Good Luck.

Here is a graphical representation of our group effort today by totals per round.

Oct 25 WOD

3×5 Deadlifts

Complete 5 rounds for time:

20 Overhead Walking Lunges w/ 45 lbs plate (10 each leg)
10 90 degree rotational box jumps (right & left counts as one rep) 12-18 inch box
10 Strict Pull Ups

Rest 45 seconds between rounds

*On lunge, back knee has to touch the ground to be counted.
*For rotational box jumps, start by facing the box, jump and rotate to the right 90 degrees landing on the box. Step down and jump again, this time rotating 90 degrees to the left landing on the box. One jump to the right and one to the left counts as one rep. Start and land in a good athletic position.

5×5 Back Squats


Five rounds for time of:
Bear crawl 100 feet
Standing broad-jump, 100 feet

Do three Burpees after every five broad-jumps.

Yea, I know Cripple, I hear you complaining already. Just shorten up the broad jumps so you don’t hurt your knee and do it.

Oct 20

MSFC 5K race. Starts at 9:00, so get there early to sign up and get your number and t-shirt.

Race will be followed by Chinese buffet. 3 rounds for time.

Pre-race pic of the crew.







Post race birthday cupcake celebration.







Special shout-out of thanks to Janet Geist for bringing the tasty cupcakes and Tracy Reece for the cool pictures she took so we can remember what a great day this was.    You ladies are awesome!!!

Oct 12 WOD

Standing Barbell Press 5-5-5-3-3-3

5 Rounds for Time:
Deadlift – 5 reps
Toe-to-Bar – 10 reps
Loading is 1.25 x body weight

Cooldown (optional)
1 mile run

Oct 8 WOD

“Finish strong guys, I got a call to make.”

5 rounds for time
1. 500m row.
2. 10x 205# DL.
3. 10x GHD.
4. 10x 24″ box jump.
5. 10x spider pushups on bosu/plyo ball.
6. 10x pull ups.

Oct 6 WOD

Filthy 50

For time:
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood (35#)
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45#
50 Back extensions
50 Dumbell Thrusters (20 lbs)
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders (250 singles)

Oct 4 WOD

The 135 Crippler

5 rounds of

10x bench press 135#
10x deadlift 135#
10x floor wipers 135# (right left = 1)
10x power cleans 135# (not squat cleans)
10x shoulders to overhead 135#
10x front squat 135#

Oct 1 WOD

Track day today!!! yea!!!

Modified Barbara (4 Rounds)
20 pullups
30 pushups
40 situps
50 squats
800 m run

The track taxi starts at 10:50, so show up a little earlier so you can catch a ride.