June 25

Front squat 3X3
back squat 1X12-20

Metcon:for time and weight
3 rounds (push jerk increases each round)
3 push jerk
10 KTE
15 deadlift 135

Compare to 25 Feb 2011

June 18

Bench Press: 5-5-5-5-5

3 rnds for time: 15x KB swing (55#), 15x Hang power clean (95#), 50x double unders.

Core Cool Down:
100 flutter kicks (left+right = 1 rep)

June 13

7 Sets of the following sequence:
1 Power Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Push Press
1 Back Squat
1 Push Press

5 Rounds with rest between rounds to load up.

The goal is to work up to max load on the 5th round. There will be no time component.

Break up or combine the movements any way as long as the following rules are met:

NO RESTING ON THE GROUND (even to re-grip) during each round
Power Cleans starts at the ground and finishes standing with full hip extension
Squat Cleans or DeadLifting to Hang Power Cleans are acceptable
The squats have to go BELOW parallel
Presses finish with lockout overhead, Push Jerks are acceptable
Combining Front Squat and Push Press (i.e. Thrusters) is acceptable but if Squat Clean method is used, one must stand first before doing Thrusters.

Post number of rounds and loads to comments.

June 12

Two groups. One does the bench, one does the pullups. Then swap.

Max rounds
Perform every minute on the minute, add 10# per round until failure
2x Bench press (starting weight 155#/75#)

With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute and three pull-ups the third minute, continuing in this fashion until you are unable to complete the amount of pull-ups required. Record number of minutes completed.

Compare to 110712

June 8: Peterson’s Ghost

Run:2 x 1 mile rest 3 min between intervals, 2 x 800 rest 2 min between intervals, 2 x 400m rest 90 sec between intervals, Rest 3-5 min, 1 mile TT rest 3 min, 2 x 800 holding 1 mile TT pace -5 sec pace per mile rest 2 min, 2 x 400m holding 1 mile TT pace -10 sec pace per mile.

Named after CFE athlete Jeff Peterson who was “seeing ghosts” by the end of workout.

June 4

Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3

On the Minute:
Complete 2 Power Cleans* & Max Double Unders on the minute for 15 minutes.
*Use 80% of last set of power cleans from strength wod

Post loads used and total DU completed

3 rds max l-sit holds