Oct. 14

Dynamic Effort Push Press
12 sets of 2 reps @ 60% of max, every 30 seconds

Then: Linda
1.5 X Bodyweight Deadlift
1 X Bodyweight Bench Press
.75 X Bodyweight Power Clean

12 thoughts on “Oct. 14

  1. I have a analysis review at 9:30 today and it could go 1 hour, or it could go 3+. Any chance you guys want to go at noon for this? I am pretty sure my review will be done by then.

  2. Not sure if I can make it today. Kid gave me her cough and let me get about three hours of sleep last night. Might be better after I get some caffeine in my system though.

  3. I am going to hate having to watch today because Linda is beyond my shoulder still. I barely get there healthy. I can be spotter on bench and fetch water I guess.

  4. from April 5….me dave and drew did this..Randy was “encouraging” David..haha..remember Dave..

    21:45 I don’t know why I’m posting this Randy already knows how long it is goin to take me. That was hard. Linda at BW 204# (me in Jan) would have been subject to criminal prosecution. I thought I was in big trouble when my first rep on bench went out of control. Round 8 and 7 were real bad then Randy came over to help with some “motivational words” and I tightened it up.

    Watching *Drew* was pretty entertaining. “don’t you say a #$%^ thing” but Drew that is were the diet motivation is > ha.

    • Dude that is an awesome time, my time of 1:01:30 was not so fast, as Rx’d

      350 deadlift, 235 bench press, 179 hang power cleans (since i did these hanging it might not be fully Rx’d but i’ll take it)

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