Jan 5 WOD

Dead Lift: 5×3

3 Rounds of
Max Rep Pull ups
15 Good Mornings 95/65

11 thoughts on “Jan 5 WOD

  1. Crip was full of anger so we wound up going heavy on the DL

    Dead Lift: 225, 275, 285, 295, 305

    11, 13, 12 pull-ups
    95#, 95#, 45# GM

    Finished with 3-min max rep GHD: 59

  2. DL: 225, 275, 285, 295, and 305 (PR).

    Pull Ups: 6, 10, 12
    Good Mornings: 45# – ryno pushed me too hard on the DL’s.

    finished with super sets of shoulder raises (side/front/back) and tri-cept pull downs.

  3. I did the warm up and the 225 with a snatch grip. I did the rest of the sets with a hook grip in the clean position. Today it feels like I tried to pull off my own fingernails on my thumbs and my back is sore (but that could be from bear as well). I also won the “old man’s body makes funny cracking sounds” award that Randy usually dominates.

    Quit picking on Crip Ryno or he is going to run off and leave you like B did.

  4. You guys are all pulling PR’s left and right…I have noticed that all these PRs are coming AFTER i give up the programming reins.

    I will take that to mean that my programming provided the base for the PRs…yeah I’ll just keep telling myself that 🙂 Heck of a job guys, i need to get back to the arsenal

    • I think it is a combination of having a great programming base (you) and the guys starting to believe in what they are capable of achieving. As David says, it’s all about getting your mind right and just performing the lift. We’re trying to maintain the philosophy you incorporated in having a heavy lift followed by a metcon. Somedays we take a detour into Crip world, ala beatdown, but you need that to help overcome the days when you have doubts in your own capability to achieve. I hope you can eventually get back out here.

      • I can just see Crip coming in everyday checking the site and hoping for a grinder and seeing short metcons a strength every day…that little cartoon you sent out a long time ago comes back to mind….with crip smashing his face on the keyboard over and over hahahaha

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